The Quebec Veterans Foundation would like to congratulate Hélène LeScelleur on her scholarship with the Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans for her doctoral research project, “Life in the Shadow of the Uniform: The Identity Transition Experience for Canadian Military Personnel Released due to an Operational Stress Injury.”
To pay tribute to Corporal François Dupéré and his legacy, the Centre of Excellence has created this scholarship to support a Francophone student pursuing a master’s or doctorate degree in the field of chronic pain among Veterans.
As the national leader in Veterans’ chronic pain research, the Centre of Excellence funds research that improves the well-being of Veterans, and their families, suffering from chronic pain. Funding is also available for graduate scholarships. The Centre of Excellence uses a competitive application process to allocate funding.
Captain (Retired) Hélène Le Scelleur was released from the Canadian Armed Forces after 26 years of service, following a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. She has served in multiple locations in Canada and overseas, including Afghanistan. A social worker by profession, she undertook to pursue doctoral studies in social work to understand the identity crisis that affects many military personnel living with an operational stress injury.
Ms. LeScelleur is an inspiring woman and a model of perseverance for all of us. We are privileged at the FQV to have the opportunity to work with her on various issues, including the BFLF Women Veterans Program.
CONGRATULATIONS Hélène and we wish you every success!
Mrs. Hélène LeScelleur receives a scholarship from the Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans